New Maine medical marijuana rules subject caregivers and patients to increased inspections, new trac

On Wednesday, November 8, the Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), a division of the Maine Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), published its newly adopted Rules Governing the Maine Medical Use of Marijuana Program (MMMP). The new MMMP Rules are a revision of the proposed Rules first issued for public input on May 26, 2017.
The new Rules are set to become effective on February 1, 2018. Because the new Rules are deemed “routine technical Rules” produced via the agency Rulemaking process, rather than a legislative process, they will take effect without further input from the public or legislative approval.
The new MMMP Rules make a number of significant changes to the rights and duties of Maine medical marijuana patients, caregivers, dispensaries, and other parties. However, the CDC has also dropped several proposed Rule changes since the close of the public comment period in June, meaning that some of the most significant proposed changes have been abandoned.
Click the link below for a summary of some of the key Rule changes that did and did not make it into the final Rules. A full and detailed explanation of all changes is beyond the scope of the summary; questions regarding the Rule changes may be directed to attorney Matt Dubois at, or (207) 848-5600.